RICE 2024 Kickoff: Comics Slideshow!

Join us for the 2024 Rochester Indie Comics Expo’s Slideshow at Visual Studies Workshop! Renowned comics artists from Rochester and beyond will present short comics in a slideshow format.

Friday, April 5th, 6pm – 8pm
Visual Studies Workshop, 31 Prince St., Rochester, NY 14607
Free and open to the public!

2024 Comics Showcase Guests

Joshua Barkman, Eisner-nominated creator of the webcomic False Knees
Neil Brideau, creator of the comics series The Plot and publisher of Radiator Comics
Allison Conway, Ignatz-nominated author of The Lab and The Island
Jackie E. Davis, creator of the webcomic Underpants & Overbites
Falynn Koch, author of The National Parks and Plagues: The Microscopic Battlefield
Aaron Z. Lee, creator of the comics series Wesley the Robot
Ashton Marhevka, comics artist and RIT Illustration student
Sally Peck, creator of the comics series Witchaboos
Kruttika Susarla, creator of A Village Called Makkoi and The Citizen
Henry Uhrik, creator of Super Kick Guys and the comics series Lemonade Tango
Cayetano Valenzuela, creator of the comics series Nite Moves!